PHAZE is a colour changing acrylic paint set by Stuart Semple.
This coating enables almost any object to be coated in a durable, ultra matte finish that changes from HAZE (Stuart's mega-potent purple) to PINK (the world's pinkest pink).
Now all artists* can make work that will fade between these two awesome colours.
Whatever you paint with PHAZE will fade between the two colours at temperatures above 28 degrees Celsius.
So, if you touch it, breathe on it or move it from cold to hot you'll see this incredible effect. Stuart has had a lot of fun in his studio coating things with it - here's a unicorn:
Each Purple Haze to Pink colour changing paint pack contains:
- 100ml SuperBase
- 10g Phaze
- Instruction card
- Mixing spoon
Estimated coverage: 1.2 meters square (depending on how porous your surface is and how many coats are required)
How does it work?
PHAZE uses Stuart's special 'Superbase' acrylic medium and the new PHAZE pigment (a special mix of purple haze, and pinkest pink).
How do you use it?
- You mix a bit of the pigment powder with water
- Then stir in some SuperBase (1 part powder to 9 parts base)
- Then you paint with it!
Important Storage Info:
Keep your PHAZE powder in a cool dark place. A cupboard is a good idea. Don't leave the powder in the sun or it'll die. And don't put it in the fridge either - that's too cold!
What can you coat?
- Almost anything, superbase it pretty durable so it's okay to handle stuff. Think about colour changing game controller, drum sticks, paintings, tennis racket, boots. Obviously paintings and sculptures.
Quick tip - if you're coating something porous or dark in colour it's a good idea to use a white primer to get the most out of it.
Health & Safety bit:
- Don't be silly, don't eat it, drink it, tattoo with it, ingest it, get it in your eyes or in your mouth.
- Please don't let kids play with it. There's no point painting your body with it - it'll just stay pink as you're hot!
*Note: By adding this product to your cart you confirm that you are not Anish Kapoor, you are in no way affiliated to Anish Kapoor, you are not purchasing this item on behalf of Anish Kapoor or an associate of Anish Kapoor. To the best of your knowledge, information and belief this material will not make its way into the hands of Anish Kapoor.
Nb - if you've got 5 mins please to stop Kapoor from stealing the light and colour from his neighbors.